
Day 18: Plans/dreams/goals you have

These types of questions are always hard to answer because they always change as time goes by.
  • Get through these next 10 days. Finally, it has come down to this. I'll be home next week. This is my last full and busy week and last pathetic weekend. I can already smell the chlorine and suntan lotion. Cause once I get home, the pool is one of my priorities. But first, the aquarium. All I need to do is get finished with all these papers and finals. Let me think, a final paper and final exam for humanities, type up seven more study guide questions for child development final, book of mormon group paper final, math final...that's pretty much it. So game plan: library. My new home. And going to bed at a decent time. No matter how much I would rather stay up doing what I usually do-- reblogging on tumblr and late night texting. Ah, the sacrifices I make for education. 
  • Finish all my food. OK, maybe not all of it, but at least some of the food that needs to be my deli meat, my lettuce, my apples, my eggs, my milk, my grapes, my meat and frozen veggies in the freezer. And storage all that other stuff like my rice and my pasta. And I need to seriously eat up all my jello, can't let that go to waste. It's jello, everyone loves jello. 
  • Organize a packing plan. Not just gonna stuff everything in that huge bin, but no, I'm gonna have to start planning out what I'm gonna put in that huge bin and what I'm gonna put in that suitcase. Oh wait, that's right. I'm leaving most of my clothes here and just taking home my lighter clothes. Oh snap, where am I gonna stuff my sheets? See, this is why planning ahead is good. So, let the planning commence!
Those are simple plans and goals I am setting for myself. The deeper stuff will begin shortly. 

  • Fall head over heels in love with someone. What can I say, I love writing about love and falling in love and anything related to love. But to be totally honest, I don't think I've ever been IN love with someone. I mean sure, I've loved people, but there's a huge difference between being IN love with someone and just loving someone. 
  • Make it. By "making it", I mean graduating college and becoming someone and proving to everyone who thought I wouldn't. Because come on, we live in a society where everyone thinks hispanics are lazy and are only good for mowing lawns and "stealing" from them by taking jobs that they don't even care about doing. 
  • Get married in the temple. Yeah, typical. But I seriously can't wait for this. It'll be like a second chance of being in a family that I've always wanted, only twist is that me and the person I want to spend eternity with are in charge of creating such family and that's really exciting and gives me butterflies just thinking about it.
  • Have kids. Again, typical. But really. I love kids. They love me. Simple. 
  • Jump off a cliff. In no way suicidal, just saying. But like, cliff jumping unto a body of water. With no rocks for me to hit my head nearby, like a million miles away. I really hate heights, yet I'm perfectly fine with roller-coasters. Now those are fun. So fun. 
  • Sing to someone. And being dared to doesn't count. Or singing to my cat. Or my sister. Just someone. 
  • Sing a duet with someone. Especially with someone of the male kind. 
  • Write a book. My life is seriously book worthy. Someday I just might write an autobiography of myself. Or just make up a story. I'm good at story telling. 
  • Go to Ecuador- specifically the Galapagos. My dad actually lied and said that he send me to the Galapagos for a graduation present. HA! Trying to appear as the great dad. HA! But yeah, I want to see a giant turtle. 
  • Go whale watching. Cause whales are cute. 
  • Run a marathon. Working on it.  
That's all I got so far. 
The end.

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