
The world of mix ups and misunderstandings

Seriously, right? 
Texting. That's a topic that I've been meaning to vent about lately because in all honesty, it drives me insane sometimes.
1. Initiation
Something I'm guilty of is the whole issue of texting people first.I'll do it when I absolutely have to, but in general I wait for people to initiate conversations because then I know they actually want to talk to me and I won't feel like I'm bothering them. It's silly really. I've taught myself not to be doubtful of myself, but this is one area where I do, where I believe that by iniciating conversations, I'm being annoying. 
2. Frequency
I've dealt with this so much. With Mike, then Anton, even with Brett. They'd text me everyday, every second of everyday if they could. It was sweet cause when they did, I knew I was on their mind and they understood my whole issue with initiation so they always texted me first. Only thing was, they had the same intentions. And I didn't have that intention, I only saw them as friends. (with the exception of Anton, we ended up dating for like 6 months, haha). That's one thing, the intentions behind texting. Are you texting me a lot because you're interested or because you just enjoy talking to me and I'm an awesome friend? (because that's how my relationship with Mike changed, he finally understood, at least I hope so). And when you don't know your texter's intentions, you start questioning your relationship with that person. Where is it really going and is it even worth all the effort if they have different intentions? The thing is, figuring this out is quite easy if you see them face to face and in person because you can analyze by body language and all those little body movements , BUT with texting, you can't. And that ladies and gentlemen, drives one crazy, especially if you're a girl. Because girls do that, they over analyze every little thing and have to know everything behind every action or word said/spoken and they torture themselves trying to piece everything together and do so until the truth is revealed and they finally figure it out.
3. This quote. It literally describes the aspect of texting that bothers me sometimes. That it's replacing face to face contact. And that everyone, is what causes the mix ups and misunderstandings. 
Relationships are harder now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls, feelings became subliminal messages, sex became easy, the word “love” is used out of context, insecurities became a way of thinking, getting jealous became a habit, trust is hard to come by, being hurt became natural & leaving became the only option. Sad but true, so if you have something that’s worth it..don’t take it for granted, fight for it & don’t let it go.

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