
Day 22: What makes you different from everyone else

Well I guess this isn't really too different, but it's all I got and can think of at the moment.

I've been forced to grow up earlier then everyone else my age. Since I was little I was always required to act proper, be super hardworking. When everyone else was playing soccer at the park, I was helping my grandma pick cabbage or sweeping the yard or something. That was in Ecuador, when I lived with my grandparents. That part of my life was seriously the hardest. My parents weren't there and me and my brother only had each other. Our grandparents weren't evil, it was just the way they were raised themselves, but their way towards us made our time there hell. So there went my childhood.

Then I came here. At the beginning everything was great and I felt like I was finally getting that childhood I lost back there. It lasted, but only for a while. Then the habits started, the screaming, the fights. And as the older sister I was required to be like a second mother to my siblings during the time my dad left us the first time while my mom worked. I basically raised my little sister really. But I didn't mind it. Basically, I grew up earlier then expected. I've experienced so many things that have made me into the person I am today. All those trials, those hardships, those experiences that most don't really experience till later on they they're older, but not me. Without all these early experiences with hardship, I wouldn't be me. So I'm thankful for them.
I see things in a way that most people don't, at least people my age--of course with the exception of some. Like with the whole topic of relationships and love in general. I see it as something that is to be cherished and as something that brings the ultimate happiness. My lack of it from an early age has made me appreciate it more than most. That's why the whole topic of love is my ultimate obsession. Sometimes when I tell people this, how I don't feel complete without someone by my side and in my life, they think I'm crazy and dependent on people. But love brings me the ultimate happiness and I always want to be happy, to erase those memories when I wasn't. It's the ultimate high.
"Love is a many splendored thing,
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love"
But most my age are like, "have fun, date around, relationships are a waste of time, be single and ready to mingle..." but not me. Haha

I'm sorry if I made no sense, I do that. I ramble on and on sometimes thinking I make sense when I don't

On that note, I leave you with something totally irrelevant, but true.

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